To find information about your colleagues and departments, you can go to the employee and department cards.

Department Card

You’ll see the name of the supervisor and a list of employees.

If there are subdepartments, you can find the employees of these subdepartments under a separate tab.

You can manage users, e.g., change their department or supervisor, from the department card.

Employee Card

Here you will see the employee’s name, their avatar, and the name of the department they work in. You will also find their contact details.

Click on the avatar to zoom in on your colleague's photo.

How to Set Up an Employee Card Template

  1. Click Edit Card Template.

    You can also edit the employee card template by clicking on the icon at the top.

  2. Then, сhoose what will appear on employee cards.

    Invite your learners to complete the Phone and About Me sections. To do this, make sure these sections are active.

    • If you disable the About Me and Phone sections, you won't see them in the chart.
    • Users can fill in the About Me field only when their Organizational Chart is visible.
    • If you disable the org chart, the data from the About Me and Phone sections will be visible only in the administrator portal.